Quick Start

Here’s an example, using CFPB’s regulation H.

git clone https://github.com/18F/regulations-parser.git
cd regulations-parser
pip install -r requirements.txt
eregs pipeline 12 1008 output_dir

At the end, you will have subdirectories regulation, layer, diff, and notice created under the directory named output_dir. These will mirror the JSON files sent to the API.

Quick Start with Modified Documents

Here’s an example using FEC’s regulation 110, showing how documents can be tweaked to pass the parser.

git clone https://github.com/18F/regulations-parser.git
cd regulations-parser
git clone https://github.com/micahsaul/fec_docs
pip install -r requirements.txt
echo "LOCAL_XML_PATHS = ['fec_docs']" >> local_settings.py
eregs pipeline 11 110 output_dir

If you review the history of the fec_docs repo, you’ll see some of the types of changes that need to be made.