Developer Tasks

Building the documentation

For most tweaks, you will simply need to run the Sphinx documentation builder again.

pip install Sphinx
cd docs
make dirhtml

The output will be in docs/_build/dirhtml.

If you are adding new modules, you may need to re-run the skeleton build script first:

pip install Sphinx
sphinx-apidoc -F -o docs regparser/

Running Tests

As the parser is a complex beast, it has several hundred unit tests to help catch regressions. To run those tests, make sure you have first added all of the development requirements:

pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

Then, run py.test on all of the available unit tests:


If you’d like a report of test coverage, use the pytest-cov plugin:

py.test --cov-report term-missing --cov regparser

Note also that this library is continuously tested via Travis. Pull requests should rarely be merged unless Travis gives the green light.