Additional Details

Here, we dive a bit deeper into some of the topics around the parser, so that you may use it in a production setting. We apologize in advance for somewhat out-of-date documentation.

Parsing Workflow

The parser first reads the file passed to it as a parameter and attempts to parse that into a structured tree of subparts, sections, paragraphs, etc. Following this, it will make a call to the Federal Register’s API, retrieving a list of final rules (i.e. changes) that apply to this regulation. It then writes/saves parsed versions of those notices.

If this all worked well, we save the the parsed regulation and then generate and save all of the layers associated with its version. We then generate additional whole regulation trees and their associated layers for each final rule (i.e. each alteration to the regulation).

At the very end, we take all versions of the regulation we’ve built and compare each pair (both going forwards and backwards). These diffs are generated and then written to the API/filesystem/Git.


The parser has three options for what it does with the parsed documents it creates, depending on the protocol it’s give in write_to/pipeline, etc.

When no protocol is given (or the file:// protocol is used), all of the created objects will be pretty-printed as JSON files and stored in subfolders of the provided path. Spitting out JSON files this way is a good way to track how tweaks to the parser might have unexpected effects on the output – just diff two such directories.

If the protocol is http:// or https://, the output will be written to an API (running regulations-core) rather than the file system. The same JSON files are sent to the API as in the above method. This would be the method used once you are comfortable with the results (by testing the filesystem output).

A final method, a bit divergent from the other two, is to write the results as a git repository. To try this, use the git:// protocol, telling the parser to write the versions of the regulation (only; layers, notices, etc. are not written) as a git history. Each node in the parse tree will be written as a markdown file, with hierarchical information encoded in directories. This is an experimental feature, but has a great deal of potential.

Modifying Data

Our sources of data, through human and technical error, often contain problems for our parser. Over the parser’s development, we’ve created several not-always-exclusive solutions. We have found that, in most cases, the easiest fix is to download and edit a local version of the problematic XML. Only if there’s some complication in that method should you progress to the more complex strategies.

All of the paths listed in LOCAL_XML_PATHS are checked when fetching regulation notices. The file/directory names in these folders should mirror those found on, (e.g. articles/xml/201/131/725.xml). Any changes you make to these documents (such as correcting XML tags, rewording amendment paragraphs, etc.) will be used as if they came from the Federal Register.

In addition, certain notices have multiple effective dates, meaning that different parts of the notice go into effect at different times. This complication is not handled automatically by the parser. Instead, you must manually copy the notice into two (or more) versions, such that 503.xml becomes 503-1.xml, 503-2.xml, etc. Each file must then be manually modified to change the effective date and remove sections that are not relevant to this date. We sometimes refer to this as “splitting” the notice.

Appendix Parsing

The most complicated segments of a regulation are their appendices, at least from a structural parsing perspective. This is because appendices are free-form, often with unique variations on sub-sections, headings, paragraph marker hierarchy, etc. Given all this, the parser does its best to determine an ordering and a hierarchy for the subsections/paragraphs contained within an appendix.

In general, if the parser can find a unique identifier or paragraph marker, it will note the paragraph/section accordingly. So “Part I: Blah Blah” becomes 1111-A-I, and “a. Some text” and “(a) Some text)” might become 1111-A-I-a. When the citable value of a paragraph cannot be determined (i.e. it has no paragraph marker), the paragraph will be assigned a number and prefaced with “p” (e.g. p1, p2). Similarly, headers become h1, h2, ...

This works out, but had numerous downsides. Most notably, as the citation for such paragraphs is arbitrary, determining changes to appendices is quite difficult (often requiring patches). Further, without guidance from paragraph markers/headers, the parser must make assumptions about the hierarchy of paragraphs. It currently uses some heuristics, such as headers indicating a new depth level, but is not always accurate.


With some exceptions, we treat a plain-text version of the regulation as canon. By this, we mean that the words of the regulation count for much more than their presentation in the source documents. This allows us to build better tables of content, export data in more formats, and the other niceties associated with separating data from presentation.

At points, however, we need to encode non-plain text concepts into the plain-text regulation. These include displaying images, tables, offsetting blocks of text, and subscripting. To encode these concepts, we use a variation of Markdown.

Images become:

![Appendix A9](ER27DE11.000)

Tables become:

| Header 1 | Header 2|
| Cell 1, 1 | Cell 1, 2 |

Subscripts become:




A quick note of warning: the parser was not optimized for speed. It performs many actions over and over, which can be very slow on very large regulations (such as CFPB’s regulation Z). Further, regulations that have been amended a great deal cause further slow down, particularly when generating diffs (currently an n:super:2 operation). Generally, parsing will take less than ten minutes, but in the extreme example of reg Z, it currently requires several hours.

Parsing Error Example

Let’s say you are already in a good steady state, that you can parse the known versions of a regulation without problem. A new final rule is published in the federal register affecting your regulation. To make this concrete, we will use CFPB’s regulation Z (12 CFR 1026), final rule 2014-18838.

The first step is to run the parser as we have before. We should configure it to send output to a local directory (see above). Once it runs, it will hit the federal register’s API and should find the new notice. As described above, the parser first parses the file you give it, then it heads over to the federal register API, parses notices and rules found there, and then proceeds to compile additional versions of the regulation from them. So, as the parser is running (Z takes a long time), we can check its partial output. Notably, we can check the notice/2014-18838 JSON file for accuracy.

In a browser, open and search for the notice in question (you can do this by using the 2014-18838 identifier). Scroll through the page to find the list of changes – they will generally begin with “PART ...” and be offset from the rest of the text. In a text editor, look at the JSON file mentioned before.

The JSON file that describes our parsed notice has two relevant fields. The amendments field lists what types of changes are being made; it corresponds to AMDPAR tags (for reference). Looking at the web page, you should be able to map sentences like “Paragraph (b)(1)(ii)(A) and (B) are revised” to an appropriate PUT/POST/DELETE/etc. entry in the amendments field. If these do not match up, you know that there’s an error parsing the AMDPARs. You will need to alter the XML for this notice to read how the parser can understand it. If the logic behind the change is too complicated, e.g. “remove the third semicolon and replace the fourth sentence”, you will need to add a “patch” (see above).

In this case, the amendment parsing was correct, so we can continue to the second relevant field. The changes field includes the content of changes made (when adding or editing a paragraph). If all went well you should be able to relate all of the PUT/POST entries in the amendments section with an entry in the changes field, and the content of that entry should match the content from the federal register. Note that a single amendment may include multiple changes if the amendment is about a paragraph with children (sub-paragraphs).

Here we hit a problem, and have a few tip-offs. One of the entries in amendments was not present in the changes field. Further, one of the changes entries was something like “i. * * *”. In addition, the “child_labels” of one of the entries doesn’t make sense – it contains children which should not be contained. The parser must have skipped over some relevant information; we could try to deduce further but let’s treat the parser as a black box and see if we can’t spot a problem in the web-hosted rule, first. You see, uses XSLTs to take the raw XML (which we parse) to convert it into XHTML. If we have a problem, they might also.

We’ll zero in on where we know our problem begins (based on the information investigating changes). We might notice that the text of the problem section is in italics, while those arround it (other sections which do parse correctly) are not. We might not. In any event, we need to look at the XML. On the federal register’s site, there is a ‘DEV’ icon in the right sidebar and an ‘XML’ link in the modal. We’re going to download this XML and put it where our parser knows to look (see the LOCAL_XML_PATHS setting). For example, if this setting is

LOCAL_XML_PATHS = ['fr-notices/']

we would need to save the XML file to fr-notices/articles/xml/201/418/838.xml, duplicating the directory structure found on the federal register. I recommend using a git repository and committing this “clean” version of the notice.

Now, edit the saved XML and jump to our problematic section. Does the XML structure here match sections we know work? It does not. Our “italic” tip off above was accurate. The problematic paragraphs are wrapped in E tags, which should not be present. Delete them and re-run the parser. You will see that this fixes our notice.

Generally, this will be the workflow. Something doesn’t parse correctly and you must investigate. Most often, the problems will reside in unexpected XML structure. AMDPARs, which contain the list of changes may also need to be simplified. If the same type of change needs to be made for multiple documents, consider adding a corresponding rule to the parser – just test existing docs first.

Integration with regulations-core and regulations-site

TODO This section is rather out-of-date.

With the above examples, you should have been able to run the parser and generate some output. “But where’s the website?” you ask. The parser was written to be as generic as possible, but integrating with regulations-core and regulations-site is likely where you’ll want to end up. Here, we’ll show one way to connect these applications up; see the individual repos for more configuration detail.

Let’s set up regulations-core first. This is an API which will be used to both store and query the regulation data.

git clone
cd regulations-core
pip install -r requirements.txt  # pulls in python dependencies
./bin/django syncdb --migrate
./bin/django runserver &   # Starts the API

Then, we can configure the parser to write to this API and run it, here using the FEC example above

cd /path/to/regulations-parser
echo "API_BASE = 'http://localhost:8888/'" >>
eregs build_from fec_docs/1997CFR/CFR-1997-title11-vol1-part110.xml 11

Next up, we set up regulations-site to provide a webapp.

git clone
cd regulations-site
pip install -r requirements.txt
echo "API_BASE = ''" >> regulations/settings/

Then, navigate to http://localhost:8000/ in your browser to see the FEC reg.